Flagfrog is committed to carrying out its research, teaching, enterprise and other activities within a comprehensive ethical framework.
This is reflected in the Website value:
We value freedom to push the frontiers of knowledge forward, within an ethical framework, for the global good of humankind
The underpinning principle for any ethical review should be to ensure that in undertaking any research, consultancy, enterprise activity or project the University strives to do positive good and avoids causing harm.
Activities which involve research/studies on human participants, their tissues or data and on animals will always require formal ethical consideration. However, Flagfrog believes ethical issues should be interpreted broadly and that review might also be needed for research, consultancy and enterprise where other factors could be present including:
- a risk of damage to the environment
- political or social sensitivity
- impact on culture and cultural heritage
It is the Flagfrog expectation that staff, visitors should be aware of ethical considerations, ensure that they act in an ethical manner when engaged on University business and conduct their projects to the highest ethical standards.
The purpose of this Policy is to:
1. Set out the principles applicable to all research, enterprise, consultancy projects
3. Support a culture of academic freedom and excellence by providing a framework for review which subjects research proposals and other studies to a level of scrutiny that is in proportion to the risk of harm or adverse effect to participants, researchers, the University and to society as a whole.